Understand the concepts behind RF electronics, Wi-Fi/802.11, and Bluetooth
Find out how hackers use NetStumbler, WiSPY, Kismet, KisMAC, and AiroPeek to target vulnerable wireless networks
* Defend against WEP key brute-force, aircrack, and traffic injection hacks
* Crack WEP at new speeds using Field Programmable Gate Arrays or your spare PS3 CPU cycles
* Prevent rogue AP and certificate authentication attacks
* Perform packet injection from Linux
* Launch DoS attacks using device driver-independent tools
* Exploit wireless device drivers using the Metasploit 3.0 Framework
* Identify and avoid malicious hotspots
* Deploy WPA/802.11i authentication and encryption using PEAP, FreeRADIUS, and WPA pre-shared keys
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