McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology
Readers will find 7,000+ articles covering nearly 100 fields of science in this amazing 20 volume set. The new Tenth Edition features more than 1,700 new and updated articles, 12,000+ illustrations, and more than 5000 contributors - including 25 Nobel Prize winners. Also new to the Tenth Edition is a companion website that will provide selected updates to the Encyclopedia along with additional material such as special graphics and illustrations.
The logical organization of the 20 volumes, a 500 page analytical index, an extensive topic index, along with Study Guides, make finding information fast and easy.
Cutting-edge topics covered include: Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Cloning, Food Allergy, Genomics, Stem Cells, Cellular Automata, Computational Intelligence, Computer-Aided Circuit Design, Voice-Over IP, Water Supply Engineering, Fossil Humans, Fossil Primates, and many, many more
The definitive source for keeping up with the amazing changes in science and technology!
To Download:Part-1,Part-2,Part-3
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