Long respected for its scientific authority, pedagogy, and clinical relevance to medical education, this comprehensive embryology text features outstanding illustrations and clear and concise writing. The brand-new Tenth Edition covers all aspects of embryology of interest to medical students and instructors and includes clinical correlates that provide information on birth defects and other clinical entities directly related to embryologic concepts. This extensively revised edition features new full-color photographs of clinical conditions and updated embryo images/photographs created using newer technologies. It also features new online USMLE-style review questions through Connection / The Point. A new introduction chapter on development includes molecular biology. This edition's larger page size improves readability. A bound-in CD-ROM, Simbryo, presents animations of embryologic system development.
Paperback: 371 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 10 edition (March 1, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0781794854
ISBN-13: 978-0781794855
New working CHM wih TOC, Cover & Full-size Images
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