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C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition)

If you are new to C++ programming, C++ Primer Plus, Fifth Edition is a friendly and easy-to-use self-study guide. You will cover the latest and most useful language enhancements, the Standard Template Library and ways to streamline object-oriented programming with C++. This guide also illustrates how to handle input and output, make programs perform repetitive tasks, manipulate data, hide information, use functions and build flexible, easily modifiable programs. With the help of this book, you will:
•Learn C++ programming from the ground up.
•Learn through real-world, hands-on examples.
•Experiment with concepts, including classes, inheritance, templates and exceptions.
•Reinforce knowledge gained through end-of-chapter review questions and practice programming exercises.
C++ Primer Plus, Fifth Edition makes learning and using important object-oriented programming concepts understandable. Choose this classic to learn the fundamentals and more of C++ programming.
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Birds of the World

Birds of the World
Publisher: DK ADULT 1993 | 416 Pages | ISBN: 1564582965 | PDF | 57 MB
It is hard to imagine a raison d'etre for this book, for its pretentions to be a field guide, as bruited on the dust cover, are absurd and are surprising coming from the authors, two highly respected ornithologists. What we have instead are species accounts of 800 birds, nine percent of the world total. These very brief accounts include a few sentences of general commentary; very small sections on range and nesting; a range map, color photo, and drawing showing scale; and one or two other small illustrations.
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How to Think About Algorithms

How to Think About Algorithms
Author: Jeff Edmonds
Paperback: 472 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (May 19, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0521614104
ISBN-13: 978-0521614108
Format: pdf
There are many algorithm texts that provide lots of well-polished code and proofs of correctness. This book is not one of them. Instead, this book presents insights, notations, and analogies to help the novice describe and think about algorithms like an expert. By looking at both the big picture and easy step-by-step methods for developing algorithms, the author helps students avoid the common pitfalls. He stresses paradigms such as loop invariants and recursion to unify a huge range of algorithms into a few meta-algorithms. Part of the goal is to teach the students to think abstractly. Without getting bogged with formal proofs, the book fosters a deeper understanding of how and why each algorithm works. These insights are presented in a slow and clear manner accessible to second- or third-year students of computer science, preparing them to find their own innovative ways to solve problems
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You Can Do the Cube

Can you do it? Or has Rubik's baffling cube defeated you too? No matter how much you fiddle and twiddle at random with the cube, you will never be able to return it to its original state. There are over 43 billion possible ways of arranging the pieces of Rubik's cube, so you need to have a method to get it back the way it began. Thirteen-year-old Patrick Bossert has worked out this foolproof method of solving Rubik's cube. He takes you carefully through all the possible stages, with easy-to-follow instructions covering all the problems you might be faced with. It may take you longer than the minute-and-a-half it takes Patrick Bossert to solve the cube, but solve it you can, again and again.
Once you have solved your cube, try some of the fascinating patterns you can make with it, or use the detailed maintenance instructions to dismantle and improve the action of your cube. Amaze your friends, astound your family with this infallible method of solving Rubik's cube. For .adults and children - brainless or brilliant - whoever you are
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Master of Disguise: My Secret Life in the CIA

The problem with memoirs by ex-secret agents is that they usually make their careers sound about as exciting as that of $6-an-hour bowling alley security guard, unless you're of the opinion that filing papers and making phone calls is the epitome of thrills. Antonio Mendez, however, has produced a tome that makes the life of a CIA agent sound every bit the slam-bang world of intrigue and skulking in the shadows that movies like Mission: Impossible make it out to be.
Honored by the CIA on its 50th anniversary as being one of the agency's 50 "Trailblazers," the now-retired Mendez spins a fast-paced tale of intriguing characters partaking in skullduggery in exotic locales, made all the more appealing because Mendez himself is the featured star of the proceedings. In an almost offhand manner, he writes about seeing and doing things that would wilt the flower of courage in almost any reader. "Was I proud to be enlisting," he rhetorically ponders at one point, "on our side in the Cold War? You bet." Originally drafted by the CIA as a "technical artist" to provide cover for agents behind enemy lines, Mendez worked his way up the ladder and progressed to a full-fledged agent in the field, sneaking diplomats past enemy guards and spiriting informants into the night, eluding capture and torture at every turn--and using his artist's eye for detail to paint vivid word pictures of his predicaments. Mendez possesses a remarkably keen sense of the mechanics of a good cloak-and-dagger story, and fortunately pours it on in abundance here in his quite hefty--and surprisingly lively--autobiography. --Tjames Madison
Product Details
* Paperback: 376 pages
* Publisher: Harper Paperbacks (November 7, 2000)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0060957913
* ISBN-13: 978-0060957919
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The Way We Cook

400 pages | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2003) | ISBN: 0618711495 | PDF | 9 MB
For the past twenty years, in their wildly popular newspaper and cooking columns, Sheryl Julian and Julie Riven have been providing hundreds of thousands of cooks with recipes they can depend on. Now, in this long-awaited cookbook which is an essential reference for anyone who wants to get the most out of time in the kitchen, they present 250 of their favorites. From Roast Side of Salmon to Creamy Chocolate Tart, each dish is straightforward, contemporary, and elegant: home cooking at its best.
Julian and Riven have an unerring sense of what busy people need: appetite-provoking nibbles that won't set back dinner preparations; easy meals for the time of day when the cook is most exhausted; impressive but relaxed dinners for company; simple side dishes; slow-cooked suppers served straight from the pot; weekend breakfasts that leave plenty of time for reading the paper; desserts anyone can master.
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Handbook of Geometric Computing

Handbook of Geometric Computing
Springer | August 23, 2005 | ISBN: 3540205950 | 779 pages | PDF | 10.2 MB
This handbook is addressed to a broad audience of applied mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists, and engineers. Its purpose is to bring together under a single cover the most recent advances in the applications of geometric computing to the most important fields related to the endeavor of building perception action systems: computer vision, robotics, image processing and understanding, pattern recognition, computer graphics, quantum computers, brain theory and neural networks.
There have been given increasing efforts to tackle various kinds of problems of these fields using promising geometric methods. Nevertheless, those efforts have been disperse and mostly confined to their own disciplines. To help to overcome this state of affairs, we decided that the time had come to introduce the existing powerful geometric methods in an unified manner to the much larger community of scientists and engineers who are seeking new mathematical tools to solve their ever more complicated problems. The power of human creativity, the progress in geometric calculus and the rapid evolution of computers make it possible to imagine that the challenge to build autonomous intelligent systems is not far from
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Swathi Weekly 15th January 2010 Edition Latest
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Andhra Bhoomi Weekly 14th Jan 2010 Edition
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Managers As Employees: An International Comparison of the Changing Character of Managerial Employment

This collection of essays examines the role of managers as employees in nine industrialized countries--Britain, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, West Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, and Japan. Focusing on middle managers, including professionals, the contributors document the differences and similarities that exist in the employment relationships of managers in these countries, trace the forces that shape these relationships, and discuss the ways that these relationships have been affected by developments in the business environment over the last two decades. The distinguished contributors include Greg Bamber, Ed Snape, Russell D. Lansbury, Annabelle Quince, David F. Smith, Eberhard Witte, Karl-Olof Faxén, Håkan Lundgren, Jacques Rojot, Claudio Pellegreni, and Vladimir Pucik.
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Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry

•Hardcover: 491 pages
•Publisher: Academic Press; 1 edition (July 14, 1997)
•Language: English
•ISBN-10: 0120072521
•ISBN-13: 978-0120072521
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Electricity Information 2009

Electricity Information 2009
IEA/OECD | Aug. 2009 | ISBN: 9264061125 | 771 pages | PDF
Electricity Information is the International Energy Agency's comprehensive annual review of historical and current market trends in the OECD electricity sector. This volume brings together essential statistics on electricity and heat.
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Forensic Criminology 2009

Wayne Petherick, Brent Turvey, Claire Ferguson, "Forensic Criminology"
Academic Press | 2009 | ISBN: 0123750717 | 624 pages | PDF
Forensic Criminology: the scientific study of crime and criminals for the purposes of addressing investigative and legal issues. It is a science, a behavioral science, and a forensic science. This text is intended to educate students in an applied fashion regarding the nature and extent of forensic casework that is supported by, dependent upon, and interactive with research, theory, and knowledge derived from criminology. It is also intended to act as a preliminary guide for practitioners working with and within related criminal justice professions. Particularly those involved with assisting investigations, administrative inquiries, legal proceedings or providing expert findings or testimony under oath. It is offered as an applied scientific sub-discipline within the domain of general criminology, as well as a roadmap to the forensic realm for the uninitiated.
Written by the authors of the best-selling Criminal Profiling, now in its third edition, and the groundbreaking Forensic Victimology, Forensic Criminology provides a bridge between the broad constructs of theoretical criminology and the forensic examination of individual cases. It serves as a textbook for college and university coursework, as a manual for practitioners, and as career guide for students.
* Approaches the study of criminology from an applied standpoint, moving away from the purely theoretical
* Contains relevant and contemporary case examples to demonstrate the application of forensic criminology
* Provides an integrated philosophy with respect to criminology, forensic casework, criminal investigations, and the law
* Useful for students and professionals in the area of criminology, criminal justice, criminal investigation, forensic science, and the law
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Accounts Demystified: The Astonishingly Simple Guide to Accounting

This is the new edition of the bestselling guide to understanding and using business accounts and accounting principles, written in a way that even the financially nervous novice can easily absorb. Accounting is generally viewed as a highly technical and complex subject. However, accounts are actually based on simple principles. It's not company accounts that are complex, it's all too often the way that they are explained. In this simple and easy read book, the author guides you through all the major accounting concepts. Discover how to master company accounts, understand balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and cash flow systems. Learn to analyse and monitor your company's financial performance. Accounts Demystified is the definitive, user-friendly guide to the fundamental principles of accounting that no manager will want to be without. In this 5th edition of the classic Accounts Demystified, Anthony Rice makes accounting astonishingly simple and pain-free.
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Big Book of Crochet (2005)

Leisure Arts, Inc. | 2005 | ISBN 1574864564 | 208 pages | English | Jpg | 29 Mb
Leisure Arts reached into the vault and pulled out a treasure! The Big Book of Crochet combines popular projects from Crochet with Heart magazine and other Leisure Arts publications for one of the most compre-hensive collections ever.From extra-quick to micro-fine, there's something for every need and skill level, including afghans, baby items, clothing, and home accents
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Macworld - January 2010
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PDF | 105 pages | 36.3 Mb | English
Macworld, the most widely-read Macintosh magazine, has won a myriad of editorial and design awards over the years. Macworld combines objective product testing with years of market experience to give readers the perspective, advice, and inspiration to get the most of their Mac. Each issue is loaded with authoritative product reviews, expert hints and tips, in depth feature articles and more!
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Textbook of Electrical Technology

AC and DC Machines Book in S.I. Units
The most basic and practical lessons on Energy Conversions ideal for both students and professors. The book covers Direct Current Machines (DC Machines) and Alternating Current Machines (AC Machines) comprises of motors and generators. It is of comprehensive approach to electrical dynamos using theories that deeply explain the concept. Rotating electrical machines -- generators and motors -- are devices that transform mechanical power into electrical power, and vice-versa. Electrical power from a central power station can be transmitted and subdivided very efficiently and conveniently. The operation of electrical machines is explained by four general principles, that will be briefly presented below. These principles are not difficult to understand, and illuminate most of the reasons for the stages in the historical development of electrical power, and especially of electric railways. This book discusses motors in general, but the specific application to electric locomotives is emphasized. Electricity is the medium that carries power from the prime mover, whether at a central power station or on the locomotive, to its point of application at the rail, and allows it to be controlled conveniently.
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Weapons of Mass Destruction

Eric Croddy, James Wirtz - Weapons of Mass Destruction: An Encyclopedia of Worldwide Policy, Technology, and History (2 volume set)
ABC-CLIO | 2005 | ISBN: 1851094903, 1851094954 | 1122 pages | PDF | 11.41 MB
The first accessible reference to cover the history, context, current issues, and key concepts surrounding biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons. The United States has conducted some 900 atomic tests since 1945 and has stockpiled enough smallpox vaccine to inoculate most of the U.S. population. The topic of weapons of mass destruction is perhaps the most controversial subject of our time. Policy debates require understanding of key issues, concepts, and events. A collection of information on everything from aerosols to zones of peace, these two volumes cover historical background, technology, and strategic implications of biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons, thus providing facts, terms, and context needed to participate in contemporary policy debate. This encyclopedia is the only comprehensive reference dedicated to the three types of weapons of mass destruction. With over 500 entries arranged alphabetically, volume one covers biological and chemical weapons, while volume two focuses on nuclear weapons. Experts from eight countries cover issues related to these weapons, policies, strategies, technologies, delivery vehicles, arms control concepts, treaties, and key historical figures and locations. Entries are written to make difficult concepts easy to understand by cutting through military and scientific jargon. Students, lay readers, scientists, and government policy makers are provided with the broad range of information needed to place today's policy discussions in proper strategic or historical context.
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My Experiments With Truth - An Autobiography Of Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi (2. october 1869 - 30. january 1948) is one of the most inspiring figures of our time. In his classic autobiography he recounts the story of his life and how he developed his concept of active nonviolent resistance, which propelled the Indian struggle for independence and countless other nonviolent struggles of the twentieth century. In a new foreword, noted peace expert and teacher Sissela Bok urges us to adopt Gandhi's "attitude of experimenting, of tesing what will and will not bear close scrutiny, what can and cannot be adapted to new circumstances,"in order to bring about change in our own lives and communities. All royalties earned on this book are paid to the Navajivan Trust, founded by Gandhi, for use in carrying on his work.
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Innovation and the Communications Revolution

The Institution of Engineering and Technology | English | 2002-04-29 | ISBN: 0852962185 | 336 pages | PDF | 5,2 MB
This book provides a fascinating account of the origins and development of the technology that has transformed telecommunications and broadcasting and created the Internet. It depicts this remarkable human achievement by identifying the key innovators whose ideas created today's world of communications, from the Victorian scientists and mathematicians to the present day engineers.
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Process Systems Analysis and Control

McGraw-Hill | ISBN: 0070132127 | 1991 | PDF | 640 pages | 10.93 MB
A thorough revision of the best-selling text on Process Dynamics and Control, the new edition features inclusion of the use of the digital computer in problem solving. The volume also contains seventeen fundamentals chapters. New end-of-chapter problems and examples have been added. PC-based software by Tutsim Products is packaged with the solutions manual.
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Communications Systems and Networks

Packed with diagrams and illustrations, Communications & Systems delivers plain-English explanations of all the technical fundamentals -- and puts everything in context by addressing standards, regulations, and the real-world outlook for legacy, contemporary, and emerging technologies. In this unique overview, Ray Horak lucidly describes today's communications systems and networks -- voice, data, video, and multimedia -- and explains how they are likely to evolve and converge as we move further toward an information-based economy. Whether you're a communications pro who wants to gain some perspective or you just want to understand our increasingly wired and wireless world, this is the one book you need to see the big picture, with just the right amount of detail.
Living in an era of instant communication has certain drawbacks. Not too long ago, the living was simpler. People had one or two telephone numbers, a street address, and access to four or five television channels. Now, we have phone numbers for home, work, mobile phone, fax machine, and pager. We have multiple e-mail addresses. We have access to unlimited information over the Internet. With digital cable or a personal satellite dish, we choose from hundreds of television channels. The communication technology behind this revolution continues to evolve--becoming faster, cheaper, and more prolific. What technology is behind the scenes, and how does all of this information get delivered? That is the question that's answered by this remarkable tome, Ray Horak's Communications Systems & Networks.
Horak explains communication technologies in 15 chapters, using the growing convergence of voice, data, and video as the narrative thread that holds the book together. He starts at the beginning--telegraph and early telephone--and details the progression from analog voice signals to modern high-speed digital networks. Along the way, he emphasizes technical breadth. For exhaustive detail on any one subject, Horak enumerates relevant sources and suggests additional reading at the end of each chapter. This feature makes this book the ideal place to start when researching any communications topic. Another good thing about this book is its pragmatic approach to communications. Horak blends a high-level view of the subject with implementation and deployment issues, as well as the relative costs of different technologies.
This book is valuable for both engineers and managers. It's a perfect resource for inquisitive engineers who are well versed about one area of communications and want to explore the rest of the communications world. For a manager who wants a technical overview of a given subject, the depth is perfect--just enough knowledge to become dangerous.
The conversational style of the book also is a welcome touch. In contrast to technical books that require a can of Jolt to stay awake, Horak presents complex material concisely. Historical perspective is integrated with technical details, and reflects the author's many years of experience. Topics such as the Telecommunication Act of 1996 are explained in the context of technological change, and give the reader a comprehensive overview of virtually all communication technologies. This book is the perfect complement to such industry mainstays as Perlman's Interconnections, Comer's Internetworking with TCP/IP, and Tanenbaum's Computer Networks. --Pete Ostenson
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The New York Times Pocket MBA: The Board of Directors

The New York Times Pocket MBA: The Board of Directors
Listen & Live Audio | ISBN: 1885408498 | ©1999 The New York Times; (P)2001 Listen & Live Audio, Inc.
Audio Length: 1 hour and 48 min | MP3 | 46,2 Mb
Learn the 25 keys to the role of the Board of Directors and the important points in helping to guide the Board's policy and strategy. The Board of Directors is part of the New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a 12-volume reference tool for all businesspersons. Each volume, written by professors from top graduate business schools and edited by the New York Times business editors, presents 25 key principles of specific areas of usiness expertise.
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Calculus of variations in mathematical physics

Calculus of variations in mathematical physics
Publisher: Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam | ISBN: N\A | edition 1966 | PDF | 106 pages | 11,2 mb
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